An important part of your sewing business - promotion
Promoting your sewing business is very important if you plan to grow. We know about the before sales type of promotion such as ads, business cards, fliers, blogs and websites but have you thought about promoting after the sale? This is a very important part of doing business. You want your customers to become repeat customers and also tell their friends about your products. One way to do that is with Business Thank You Cards. Think of them as advertising as well as adding a personal touch to your business. I always try to hand write a personal note on the card as well as a handwritten signature. It makes a big difference rather than just a printed note.
Don't be surprised if you see an increase in business when you add a personal touch by contacting and developing a long relationship with your customers.
Don't be surprised if you see an increase in business when you add a personal touch by contacting and developing a long relationship with your customers.