Christmas is coming - time to promote your business

If you are not aware of it by now, the Christmas season is the biggest time for retail sales in almost any sector or industry. You had better start now with promoting your sewing business and items to get a step ahead on the rest of the crowd.

of course one of the easiest ways is by having business cards made so you can hand them out to people you meet. Always keep a few of them on you. Another way is to have t-shirts made to promote your business. Vista Print is having a Special Sale on both of those items right now.

I want you to think about the image you want to promote for your business. Should it be cutesy? That's good for a business that makes and sells items for babies and toddlers but not good for those sewing businesses that cater to wedding dresses. Remember to project an image or saying that will attract clients not make them think your business is a bit strange or slightly "off".

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