I need your input

My newsletter goes out tomorrow morning. In it you will read about an idea that I have to help your business out. Once you have read my article in the email newsletter, come on back to this blog post (a link to it is in the newsletter) and leave your feedback.
Now that you have gotten your email newsletter from me and read about the job classifieds, this is the post I need you to place your comments. I want to hear about if you think it is a good idea, bad idea or if there are other classifieds online that have a lot of listings for jobs for people who sew. Please be as detailed as possible in your comments.

I have no problem setting something up as long as it will be used and it is needed.


Lil' Bit Sassy said…
I would LOVE to see job postings for seamstresses and crafters! I am having an extremely hard time trying to find a job in my area (been out of work for 2 1/2 yrs now). I'm very limited physically because I have knee problems (cannot stand for long lengths of time) and tendonitis in my arm (cannot live heavy items) so that makes it twice as difficult to find a job.

If I could find something whereupon I would get PAID to sew--doing something I love--that would be so wonderful!
Anonymous said…
That's a fabulous idea. I would love to see small businesses flourish in the U.S. We need to put people to work, even at this grass roots level. It is a start and how many of us would love to buy products made in the U.S. by hard working folks. Yes, do it, please!
I personally, do embroidery and some light sewing.
Thanks Jan and company.
Anonymous said…
I think it would be awesome to have a job board for people who sew/craft. could you post the boards you visited please? The only one I've been able to find is sewingwishlist.com. Replied to 2-3 ads on there--2 of them the email address was no good--the other one i get no reply. There isn't a good catagory to post anything on craigslist, no replies on the one ad i did post. so YES! it would be great to have a board/site to go to to find sewing related work. Thanks, Jean
fancy said…
I'm in!!! Would love to be able to make money while sewing. That acturally would be a dream come ture. Thanks for coming up with this opportunity. This would allow me to still be at home in case my sons would need me during the day and be able to see my husband when he comes in. Susie
Cheryl Designs said…
Hi. I am a self-employed seamstress. I re-opened my business in 2006. I had closed it for personal reasons for the 10 years previous. It's been SLOW getting back 'up to speed'. The economy in my area of Southeastern Ohio is VERY BAD. I do alterations and custom sewing. I specialize in bridal and formalwear alterations. I have been in the Yellow Pages for the past 3 years. I am the ONLY seamstress in the Yellow Pages... The dry cleaners are 'extras'....

That stated... YES, I HAVE been approached a few times by companies who need custom/contract sewing. It's LAUGHABLE....the wages they are willing to PAY. I have NO PROBLEM telling EVERYONE I charge $20.00 an hour for my labor. My labor charge includes fittings, book-keeping,vacation and sick pay (NON-EXISTENT) retirement savings..also (NON-EXISTENT). I must provide my own health insurance AND pay ALL of my taxes... Self-employment is NOT 'for sissies' :)

Please keep these facts in mind when you are contemplating listings for "SEWING JOBS".... Just my personal experience....they have offered me LESS than minimum wage..... If I want to earn minimum wage and work for someone else.. I can go to work at a 'fast-food' joint and get A FEW benefits :)

I am a highly-skilled,knowledgeable..... professional seamstress. I REFUSE to lower my wage...

That is my opinion :) Thank you :) Cheryl
Jan said…
Thanks for the comments so far. Keep them coming.

Cheryl, I fully understand where you are coming from. I think everyone here thinks the same way. The cost of sewing equipment is not cheap by a long shot either. Keep in mind that what I am suggesting is not an employment placement agency but merely a classified ad system for job postings in the sewing field.
Jan said…
I would like to add this to the comments:

4 years ago, I had just bought my embroidery machine and I had not even started to learn how to use it when a company approached me about making 3 prototypes. They wanted a strap with a vinyl pad embroidered with their company logo. They told me to name my price. I had to turn them down because I had not learned how to digitize yet. I found out they paid a home sewer $400 for the prototypes. They had figured it would have taken at least a week to make them and figured out 40 hours at $10 an hour would cover it. The prototypes, I was told took only 2 days to make and hand deliver.

It is stories like that, that got me thinking. If that company only had a place online to search and connect with people to do small runs or prototypes then they would go there. But the companies don't know where to look.

FYI - The company was making a strap for carrying their electronic equipment.
Apron Senorita said…
Hi Jan,

I think it is a very good marketing idea. I like that you are simply offering a classified ad board. It is up to the individual seamstress to state her skills, prices, and availability.

Anonymous said…
Hello Jan,
I am a retired RN and I have planned for 4 years prior that I would be a seamstress/embroider. I would love to be included in your job postings idea.
Great work you are doing! Thanks
Jan said…
I am still needing about 2 more people to do BETA testing on the new website. Just drop me an email at jan AT sewingforcash.com

You'll get 2 free ads for helping m out.

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